Queer History Uncovered: The Ancient Lives of the LGBT+ Through Art

This course, open to students 14+, hopes to break down LGBTQ+ stereotypes and the stigmas surrounding Queer identity, history and culture through Art. This intensive course hopes to provide a place of learning for Queer students in which those students can finally see themselves represented. The course is open to all students of all levels and welcome to students regardless of how they identify.

Students will be introduced to queer and lgbtq+ history beginning with the oldest known Art containing queer representation. We will challenge the mainstream view of Queer history, which has been found to be steeped in misrepresentation, racism and sexism.

This course will give students an expansive education and knowledge of Queer history and lgbtq+ culture. Students will learn the language needed to navigate critiques and conversations surrounding lgbtq+ representation, identify concerns, questions and curiosities they might have in a safe and structured environment. Alongside the in depth art history components of the class, students will have the opportunity to learn useful tools to create an authentic self-portrait that regardless of lgbtq+ association, is conceptually and quality ready for their portfolio.


All classes are taught via Zoom. Each class will have up to 8 students.

This class is taught in two different durations: A four day intensive course that is split between two weekends and a 4 week evening course that meets twice a week for 2.5hrs.


The cost of this course is $100 dollars per person